Past Advisory Committees and Reference Groups
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Merri-bek City Council has had a range of Advisory Committees, Reference Groups, Working Groups and Action Groups over the years. We appreciate and greatly value the time invested into these groups from our Councillors and the community members that contributed to their actions and advice over the years.
You can learn what these committees and groups were focused on and the role they played from the list of now inactive committees and groups on this page.
Community Planning Councillor Reference Group
The Community Planning Councillor Reference Group provided an oversight role on the key plans required under the 'Local Government Act 2020', including the Community Vision, 4-Year Council Plan, and 10-Year Financial and Asset Plans.
This Reference Group was chaired by the Mayor. Membership was comprised of up to four Councillors, with at least one from each ward, and any other Councillor appointed by Council to the Committee.
The first meeting of the Community Planning Councillor Reference Group was held on 24 November 2020, with subsequent meetings held as needed, approximately every second month. You can find out more about this Reference Group in the Community Planning Councillor Terms of Reference November 2020 (DOC).
Disability Working Group
The Disability Working Group gave Council a forum to discuss and address issues about disability and to guide the implementation and monitoring of the Moreland Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2016-20. You can see their work reflected in the Moreland Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2016-20 (PDF 4Mb) and the Easy English version of the Moreland Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2016-20 (DOC 16Mb).
This Working Group was made up of a Councillor, up to 10 community representatives with lived experience in disability, and a Merri-bek City Council Disability Planner.
Meetings were held 6 times a year at the Coburg Civic Centre, unless otherwise arranged. You can find out more about this Working Group in the Terms of Reference for the Merri-bek Disability Advisory Committee (DOC 62Kb).
Family and Children’s Services Advisory Committee
This committee advised Council on its delivery of family and children's services.
The Family and Children Services Advisory Committee strengthened and supported the community. This was done by building and maintaining a strong, cohesive children's services network that worked to improve the quality of life for children and their families in Merri-bek. The Committee and their work assisted Council in its facilitation, planning, advocacy and service provision role in children's services.
This Advisory Committee was made up of:
- a Councillor
- Council officers from Social Development
- Family and Children Services providers from Private Long Day Care, Community-based Long Day Care, Occasional Care, Family Day Care, Out of School Hours Care, Preschools, Maternal and Child Health, Playgroups, Primary Schools and Neighbourhood Houses
- Specialist Children’s Services from Melbourne City Mission, Broad Insight Group, Early Childhood Intervention Services, Yooralla and Noah's Ark
- Family Support Providers from Anglicare, Merri-bek Community Health Family Support and Lentara Uniting Care
- Community representatives from VICSEG New Futures, Neighbourhood Houses, Migrant Resource Centre, Lebanese Welfare Services, Australian Greek Welfare and CERES
Meetings were held three times a year. You can find out more about this Advisory Committee in the Terms of Reference for the Family and Children Services Advisory Committee (DOC 52Kb).
Human Rights Advisory Committee
The Human Rights Advisory Committee provided advice to Council to guide the implementation and monitoring of the Merri-bek Human Rights Policy 2016-26.
This Advisory Committee was made up of:
- two Councillors
- selected representatives from up to 5 key organisations - by invitation
- up to 10 community members who live, work or study in Merri-bek, who have an interest in Human Rights and Inclusion
For the community members that were part of this committee the preference was given to those who identified with one or of the following priority groups:
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people
- People from multicultural communities, migrants, humanitarian entrants, people who are seeking asylum and those of diverse faiths
- People living with a disability, family members or carers
- Women
- People who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Gender Diverse, Intersex, Queer and Asexual
Meetings were held quarterly. You can find out more about this Advisory Committee in the Terms of reference for the Human Rights Committee (DOC 57Kb).
Merri-bek Arts Advisory Committee
The Merri-bek Arts Advisory Committee had an overarching role to advance arts and culture in Merri-bek. It was the principal consultative body advising Council in furthering the cultural vitality of the city.
This Advisory Committee was made up of:
- two Councillors
- nine community representatives
- a representative from the organisation contracted to manage the Brunswick Mechanics Institute (at the time this was Next Wave).
Meetings were held quarterly. You can find out more about this Advisory Committee in the Terms of Reference for the Merri-bek Arts Advisory Committee (PDF 400Kb).
Merri-bek Housing Advisory Committee
Merri-bek Housing Advisory Committee provided timely advice to Council about affordable and appropriate housing in the municipality. It was the principal consultative body advising Council about its housing agenda. The Committee had an interest in exploring innovative housing approaches and engagement. They considered the diverse housing experiences of tenants, homeowners, potential homeowners and those with very insecure housing.
This Advisory Committee was made up of:
- two Councillors
- the Coordinator Social Planning, Housing and Community Wellbeing or a representative from this unit
- 9 community representatives
Meetings were held 4 to 5 times a year at the Merri-bek Civic Centre. You can find out more about this Advisory Committee in the Terms of Reference for the Merri-bek Housing Advisory Committee (DOC 60Kb).
Merri-bek Libraries Advisory Committee (MorLAC)
The Merri-bek Libraries Advisory Committee advised Council on library matters and performance.
This Advisory Committee was made up of:
- one Councillor
- nine community representatives
Meetings were held quarterly. You can find out more about this Advisory Committee in the Terms of Reference of the Merri-bek Libraries Advisory Committee (DOC 53Kb).
Merri-bek Transport Advisory Committee
This committee developed, promoted and assisted Council to achieve the aims of the Moreland Integrated Transport Strategy. The Transport in Merri-bek forum provided input on the implementation of the Moreland Integrated Transport Strategy (MITS), Brunswick Integrated Transport Strategy, Bike Strategy, Pedestrian Strategy and Parking Management Policy and on the development of strategic transport policy.
This Advisory Committee was made up of:
- two Councillors
- members of the Community, representing the views of each of the 4 transport networks: walking, public transport, cycling and car/truck
- the Director/s of City Infrastructure or their representatives, a traffic engineer, the Transport Co-ordinator and a strategic land use planner
- representatives from interested parties including PTC or the Department of Infrastructure, Private Transport Operators, VicRoads, RACV, PTUA, Bicycle Victoria, and commercial vehicle operators
Meetings were held quarterly. You can find out more about this Advisory Committee in the Terms of Reference for the Transport in Merri-bek Forum (DOC 54Kb).
Sustainable Merri-bek Action Group
The Sustainable Merri-bek Action Group (SMAG) shared information, promoted community awareness, and collaborated with Merri-bek City Council in enhancing the collective impact of Council and community-led programs and initiatives to foster a just transition to a zero-carbon, zero-waste and climate-resilient municipality.
This Action Group was made up of:
- one Councillor
- Council officers
representatives from community organisations
Membership in this group was for a 2 or 4 year period.
Meetings were held quarterly. You can find out more about this Action Group in the Sustainable Merri-bek Action Group Terms of Reference 2020 (DOC 74Kb).