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Our purchasing process

As a Council we have recently updated our Procurement Policy 2021-2025 (PDF) so that many more of our purchases will now only require suppliers to provide written quotations.

Updated procurement thresholds and information required from suppliers

Many of our purchases now require purchasing staff to obtain quotes only from potential suppliers: 

  • For purchases less than $1,000 a verbal quote will be requested. 
  • For purchases between $1,001 and $10,000 Council staff will request a written quote only. 
  • For purchases between $10,001 and $30,000 Council staff will be required to obtain at least two written quotes. 
  • For purchases between $30,001 and $100,000 Council staff will be required to obtain at least three written quotes. 
  • Purchases between $100,001 and $300,000 are considered higher risk. Potential suppliers will be asked to provide more detailed information through a Request for Quote process.
  • Purchases over $300,000 must go to public tender. Potential suppliers must complete Tender Response Schedules and attach evidence of their ability to meet the requirements of the tender.  Submissions are then evaluated to determine the successful tender applicant.

Our eTender and Local Supplier Register website

Registering on Merri-bek City Council's eTenderBox website makes it easier for our purchasing staff to identify local suppliers. The eTenderBox website also provides the option for registered businesses to receive tender documents.

It’s simple to register. You will need your:

  • business name
  • Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • contact details

You can also set up 'My Subscriptions’ if you would like to be sent information about tenders (i.e. for purchases over $300,000). Once you have registered on the Local Supplier Register, you will receive an email with your log-in details. You can log back into the eTenderBox and set up 'My Subscriptions' based on categories of goods and services. After doing this, you will be notified of upcoming relevant tenders.

If your business or organisation is located in Merri-bek, Melbourne’s North, or Melbourne’s West, then before you register we recommend reading about Merri-bek's Local Supplier Register on the eTenderBox website.

You can register with Merri-bek City Council on the eTenderBox website.

Need help to register?

View the short instructional video below if you are a local supplier and would like to register on Merri-bek City Council’s Local Supplier Register.

If you need further assistance please email or call our Economic Development Team on 8311 4131

Is registering on eTenderBox safe?

Yes, registering on our eTenderBox website is safe. We have ensured the following:

  • That all documents loaded to the system are virus checked
  • That only a person with your login and password can access your data

Our Procurement team cannot see tender documentation until the tender has closed.

Where are tenders advertised?

Public tenders are advertised in The Age newspaper.

Tenders will be posted on the eTenderBox website. Registered companies will then need to set up 'subscriptions' in the eTenderBox website to be notified once relevant tenders are posted.

Merri-bek's tender process and information

Tenders are advertised on our eTenderBox website and as a single advertisement in The Age newspaper.

The process and key dates for each tender will be outlined in the tender documents provided.

Please note the following:

  • When you register on the eTenderBox, you must set up ‘subscriptions’ to receive relevant tenders
  • Registered eTenderBox users can log in, view, and download the tender documents
  • All communication relating to the tender must take place using the eTenderBox website
  • Tender submissions must be uploaded onto the eTenderBox website
  • The tender will close at the advertised time, and any documents not uploaded by the closing time will not be accepted
  • Tender submissions can only be viewed by Council after the tender has closed
  • Once the tender has been evaluated and awarded, all respondents will be notified of the outcome

Current tenders

You can see our current tenders on the eTenderBox website.

You must register before you can download tender documents or submit an electronic response for a tender.

Does Merri-bek purchase from local businesses, social enterprises, and First Nations businesses?

We are seeking to direct more of our procurement spend to local businesses, social enterprises, and First Nations businesses. This will help to support our local economy, create more jobs, and achieve social and environmental outcomes through our purchases.

We encourage all local businesses (no matter the size) and organisations in Merri-bek, Melbourne’s North, and Melbourne’s West, to register on our eTenderBox website. By doing this you will be identified as ‘local’ and be included on our Local Supplier Register (LSR).

The LSR will assist our purchasing staff to identify our local suppliers, social enterprises, First Nations businesses, and Australian Disability Enterprises when requesting quotes.

Supplier guide

For more information on the procurement and tender process see the guide to 'Doing business with local government' on the Municipal Association of Victoria's website.

Procurement policy

Our Procurement Policy 2021-2025 (PDF) outlines the principles, processes, and procedures applied to all purchases of goods, services, and works by Merri-bek City Council.

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions

Our terms and conditions of engagement are stated in requests for tender or quotation documents. For goods and services supplied under a direct purchase order, please see our standard terms of purchase.

Competitive Neutrality

We are required to operate our ‘business activities’ (such as leisure centres) as if they were in private sector ownership. For example, the prices charged must generate sufficient income to cover the costs that would apply if the business were in private ownership.

If our income does not cover these costs, we must justify this ‘subsidisation’ through a community consultation exercise called a ‘public interest test’.

For information about the Competition Policy in Victoria, visit the Department of Treasury and Finance website.

Complying with the competition and consumer act

We have an ongoing awareness program for our staff to ensure compliance with the Complying with the Competition & Consumer Act.

If you would like to make a complaint in relation to our compliance with the Act, email

For more information, visit the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission (ACCC) website.