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New program supporting parents and caregivers

02 Apr 2024

Exciting news! Our MCH Service has trialled and is now rolling out INFANT across our service locations.

What is INFANT?

INFANT (INfant Feeding, Active play, and NuTrition) is an evidence-based program to support parents and caregivers right from the start of their child's life. With sessions led by Merri-bek's fantastic MCH nurses dedicated to empowering families on their journey through nutrition, active play, and more. The program consists of four face-to face group sessions for parents/caregivers led by our facilitators and delivered when infants are around 3, 6, 9 and 12 months of age.  Families are further supported with information about nutrition and active play via access to the free My Baby Now mobile app.


Because the first 1000 days are crucial for establishing healthy habits that last a lifetime. From reducing sedentary time to improving dietary patterns, INFANT benefits both children and parents alike, fostering sustained health outcomes even up to five years of age.

Not only are these sessions a time for parents and caregivers to come together and learn about healthy eating and active play for their children, it's a social and inclusive environment where questions are welcomed, experiences are shared, and confidence grows.

Let’s celebrate the amazing job Merri-bek's 30+ MCH nurses across 16 centres do in supporting our Merri-bek families!