Living in Merri-bek
Discover a range of services and activities for Merri-bek residents.
Most popular
General rubbish bins
What goes in your general rubbish bins, when they are collected, what happens if they get missed and how do you share them with other apartments or units?
Food and garden organics bins
What goes in your food and garden organics bins? When they are collected, what happens if they get missed and how do you share them with other apartments or units? Find out how to access a kitchen caddy.
A to Z guide to waste and recycling
Find different ways to sustainably discard your household waste. This list includes both Council and external services with options for common household items, and how to recycle or safely dispose of them.
Pet registration
Registering your pet with us is one the best things you can do to keep your pet safe.
Parking permits and fines
See all parking permits for residents, businesses, people with a disability, visitors and service providers.