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Waste for businesses

We have two types of commercial waste services available to businesses in Merri-bek. These are the Standard commercial waste service and the Commercial Plus service.

Standard commercial waste service

Our standard commercial waste service is a weekly general rubbish, fortnightly mixed recycling and 4 weekly glass recycling collection service. This service is for non-residential properties. We fund this service through the waste charge in your rates. The waste charge is set each year and is based on the size of your bins. You can find out more about the waste charge on our Understanding your rates page.  

Businesses can choose to opt out of their glass service if they do not produce glass as part of their business email or call 9240 1111. 

Businesses can choose to opt in to council’s food and garden organics service if they produce food waste as part of running their business. If your business would like to opt into council's food and garden organics service, the annual food and garden organics fee itemised on the rates notice is applied. To apply email

If you do not have a general rubbish or mixed recycling bin, you can order these on our Bin repairs and replacements page.

Need more bin capacity?

Maximum capacities apply to the standard Council service and include up to

- 240 litres capacity for general rubbish,

- 360 litres for mixed recycling,

- 240 litres for food and garden organics 

- 240 litres for glass recycling.

The standard Council Commercial Service provides the best value for businesses to access council rubbish, recycling and glass recycling services. If this does not meet you needs, or you need even more capacity, you may want to consider a Commercial Plus service. 

Commercial Plus service

This service allows customers more bin space than the standard commercial waste service. Customers using this service can have as many general rubbish bins as they need for their property. 

Most Commercial Plus bins hold 240 litres of capacity. The general rubbish bins have a black body and a red lid. For residential properties smaller bin sizes are available. These bins look the same as those used for the standard commercial waste service.

The Commercial Plus service is available to businesses, schools, residential properties, and organisations. This includes those that do not pay rates. This service covers weekly general rubbish, fortnightly mixed recycling, 4 weekly glass recycling and weekly food and garden organics (FOGO) bin collections. 

We send out invoices for our Commercial Plus service twice a year. This invoice is separate from the rates notice.

We set the cost of the Commercial Plus service once a year. The cost of this service for 2023 to 2024 is $21.60 per bin, per collection.

How do I join the Commercial Plus service?

To join the Commercial Plus service you must complete the Commercial Plus Service Application form.

You can apply online by filling out our Commercial Plus Waste Service request form.

Then you can email the completed form to 

Apply in person

If you would prefer to complete a paper form and apply in person, you can complete our Commercial Plus Waste Service request form. You can then submit the completed form at one of our Customer Service Centres. You can find the details and locations of these centres on our Contact us page.

You can email if you would like to request a PDF copy of the Commercial Plus Waste Service application form.

What happens next

After you submit a paper or digital Commercial Plus Waste Service application form, you can expect the following:

  • Once we receive your application we will contact you
  • After you order a new bin, we can usually deliver it within 1 to 2 business days and your property will be added to the Commercial Plus service
  • Invoices are generated for the service bi-annually for service periods 1st April to 30th September and 1st October to 31st March.