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Planning forms and checklists

Planning forms

You'll need to register as a user on our eServices website before you can use our online services and forms.

Apply for a pre-application meeting

Apply for a planning permit

Object to a planning permit application

Apply to amend a planning application

Apply to amend a planning permit

Extension of time to a planning permit

Plans to satisfy planning permit conditions

Planning property enquiry

Planning enforcement

View planning permits and endorsed plans

Consent of Council as land owner or public land manager

Erosion Management Overlay (EMO)

Hard copy PDF - 

Geotechnical Declaration and Certification form

Planning checklists

Affordable housing

Commercial priority business applications

Commercial premises

Brochures and checklists for planning permit applications for: 

Design Excellence Scorecard

See Design Excellence Scorecard for further information.

Developer 3D model submission guidelines

See Virtual Merri-bek for further information.

Advertising signs

Carparking requirement reduction

Licensed premises

Home-based business

1 dwelling on a lot

1 dwelling on a lot greater than 300 square metres (Cl54 does not apply)

2 or more dwellings on a lot (Cl55)


Neighbourhood and site description and design response

Use of land

Accessibility – disabled access

Car stacker noise

Environmentally sustainable design



  • See heritage for further details and guides.

How to use eServices for your planning application or enquiries

We have created the following instructional videos to assist you in navigating our online application and enquiries system.