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Amendment C221 updated DCP infrastructure list

Project progress
  1. AuthorisationAuthorisation
  2. ExhibitionExhibition
  3. Consider public submissionsConsider public submissions
  4. Panel HearingPanel Hearing
  5. Panel ReportPanel Report
  6. Council decisionCouncil decision
  7. Submit to MinisterSubmit to Minister
  8. Final decisionFinal decision

About Amendment C221more

Amendment C221more relates to the existing 2015 Development Contribution Plan (DCP). This city-wide plan includes an infrastructure projects list, for works being funded by the DCP.

The C221more proposal is:

  • Enabling an updated infrastructure projects list, which is shown in a new Addendum (5Mb) to the DCP's existing incorporated document in the Merri-bek Planning Scheme.
  • Ensuring the DCP’s updated infrastructure list is informed by Council’s 4-Year Budget 2022-2026 for its delivery. This budget was prepared after completing community engagement and was adopted on 23 June 2022.  

The DCP's existing contribution rates and pricing areas in the planning scheme are not affected by Amendment C221more. 

More information about:

What does Amendment C221more do?

The amendment is making changes to the Merri-bek Planning Scheme:

  • Amends Schedule 1 to Clause 45.06 (Development Contributions Overlay): Clause 4.0 and the Note to update the reference to the document 'Merri-bek Development Contributions Plan, January 2015 (amended May 2021)' with the addendum titled '2015 DCP Addendum, August 2022'
  • Amends the Schedule to Clause 72.04: To update the reference to the current incorporated plan titled 'Merri-bek Development Contributions Plan, January 2015 (amended May 2021)' with the addendum titled '2015 DCP Addendum, August 2022'.

The amendment is also fixing Schedule 1 to 45.06 to correctly give the date when the Ministerial Direction for DCPs was made.  

  • Exhibition documents

    Below is the list of exhibition documents for this amendment:

    Other documents

    Below is a list of supporting documents for this amendment:

    • September 2022 - Authorisation from the Minister  for Planning to exhibit Amendment C221more (done)
    • 13 October to 15 November 2022 - Public exhibition of Amendment C221more (in progress)
    • 7 December 2022 - Council received a report. No submissions were received. Council resolved to seek the Minister for Planning's approval to include C221more into the planning scheme.
    • 12 December 2022 - C221more was submitted to the Victorian Government for approval. Council is now waiting for the Minister's response. 
    • 8 March 2023 - C221more is approved by the Victorian Government.
    • 24 March 2023 - Notice of C221more's approval is published in the Victorian Government Gazette.  
  • or further information or to discuss with our Strategic Planning Team how the changes might affect you, you can email or call 9240 1111.

    We appreciate these documents are not always easy to understand, so please contact us if you need any assistance. All meetings will be undertaken via teleconference.

    The documents on this page are in PDF-only format. If you have trouble opening or viewing a PDF document, you can get in touch with us using the details on our Contact us page. We can then arrange to provide the information in a format that suits your needs.

    More information about our accessibility standards is available on our Accessibility page.


Public exhibition for Amendment C221more ended on 15 November 2022. On 7 December 2022 Council resolved to adopt the amendment and pursue the Minister for Planning's approval to change the planning scheme for C221more.

Amendment C221more was approved by the Victorian Government on 8 March 2023 and was published in the government gazette on 24 March 2023.