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A parklet is a car parking bay which is temporarily re-purposed to create spaces for people.

It may include seating, greenery, and outdoor dining.

In Merri-bek, the host (in most cases a business owner or their representative) is responsible for the design, construction, maintenance, and removal of their own parklet, subject to Council approval. The parklet is initially installed for one year, with the option to renew the permit annually.

Benefits to the local community include:

  • Activation of vehicle dominated public space
  • Improved streetscape amenity and vibrancy

Benefits to the host include:

  • Heightened visibility and street presence
  • Opportunity to extend seating and offer outdoor dining

Parklet Guidelines

For additional information about parklets please read our Merri-Bek Parklet Guidelines (PDF  3.35MB). Some of the key sections of this document have been included below.

Council also provides a standard parklet engineering template (PDF 164Kb) to simplify the design process. Please note, if a parklet design deviates from this template, then signoff is required from a qualified registered engineer.

For further enquires please get in touch with Council’s Economic Development team, by email: or by calling the Business Hotline on 8311 4131.

Parklet Applications

Step 1: Enquiry (If required)

Get in touch with Council’s Economic Development Team for parklet enquires,
by email: or call the Business Hotline on 8311 4131.

Step 2: Location application

If the location criteria are met, apply for parklet location approval (with the relevant documents) through our eServices website. As part of the site approval process you will be required to do the following:

  1. Register for an account if you do not already have one to allow you to securely upload documents with your application.
  2. Complete the online form, including uploading the following forms (we suggest you have these forms completed and ready to upload before you complete the eServices form):
  3. Provide a copy of your Public Liablility Insurance of at least $10 Million.
  4. Provide a high level site plan (can just be an aerial image) to provide a visual indication of the proposed parklet, including the number of parking spaces required.
  5. Pay the Site Assessment fee.

Step 3: Location approval

Once a parklet location is approved, a letter is sent detailing the next steps and requirements. 

Step 4: Design application

Follow the Merri-bek Parklet Guidelines (PDF 3.35MB), then apply for parklet design approval (with the relevant documents) through Council’s website.

Step 5: Design approval

Once a parklet design is approved, a Traffic Management Plan is reviewed, and the permit fee paid, a Parklet Permit and Temporary Road Occupation Permit are issued with conditions.

Step 6: Installation/ Duration

Parklets are installed for one year, with the option to renew permits annually (via an automatically sent renewal form).

Step 7: Change in ownership / Removal

Inform Council of any change in ownership or if a parklet is to be removed.

More information about parklets in Merri-bek

  • There are a number of costs associated with a parklet, which are all incurred by the host, including:

    • Application and permit fees (including for any removeable items)
    • Design costs, including hiring a qualified registered designer and engineer (if required)
    • Material and construction costs, including hiring a registered builder
    • Installation costs, including organising a Traffic Management Plan
    • Maintenance costs
    • Removal costs
    • Public Liability Insurance (coverage of $10 million) costs

    The parklet application and permit fee amounts are set in accordance with Council’s published fees and charges schedule. Please note, parklet annual permit fees apply for a 12-month period from 1 September to 31 August.

    The application and permit fees for 2024/25 are outlined below:

    Fee name

    Fee amount (incl. GST)

    Parklet application fee

    $239 (non-refundable)

    Parklet permit fee (1 car space)

    $597 (pro rata)

    Parklet permit fee (each additional car space)

    $417.50 (pro rata)


    The permit fees for any removeable items in a parklet for 2024/25 are found on our Other permits for businesses page.

  • Road safety

    A parklet can only be located in designated parking spaces which are:

    • On a street with a speed limit of 50km/hr or less
    • On a straight road ensuring uninhabited view lines for drivers
    • Parallel or 90 degrees
    • On streets which are not owned by VicRoads
    • On streets which are not clearways
    • More than 10m from an intersection (there may be exceptions for streets with one way travel)
    • More than 20m from a signalised intersection
    • Not designated disabled parking spaces
    • Not designated loading zone spaces
    • Not near utility access panels or stormwater drains within the parking space
    • Not adjacent to a fire hydrant


    For locations which Council mapping identifies as having a 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) storm event in any given year, Council will undertake a detailed flooding analysis to inform whether to approve a parklet location (and subsequent design).

    Visit our Stormwater mapping page to see whether a proposed parklet location is in a 1% AEP storm event area.

    Occupation of adjacent car parking spaces

    Written support and consent from the adjoining/adjacent owner, body corporate and/or occupier must be obtained to occupy adjacent car parking spaces. Where the adjoining site and/or building is vacant, consent is required from the managing agent. Where the adjoining building is residential, consent is required from the owner or (body corporate if applicable).

    However, there are certain grounds where Council may decide to grant a parklet permit despite support and consent not being provided. This includes when only a small portion of the adjacent property would be impacted or when Council deems that consent is being unreasonably withheld due to a personal dispute or similar. These instances will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

  • If the Location Criteria is met, a host may apply for a parklet if the application includes the following:

    • Support from adjoining and adjacent neighbours. Download the Neighbour Support Form (PDF 143Kb)
    • Support and consent from adjoining and adjacent neighbours if proposing to extend parklet in front of their premises. Download the Parklet Area Extension Support and Consent Form (PDF 185Kb). If support and consent is not received, evidence is required of how this was sought (for example an email)
    • Site Plan (can be an aerial image) to provide a visual indication of the proposed parklet footprint, including the number of parking spaces to be occupied
    • Public liability insurance (coverage of $10 Million); and
    • Pay non-refundable assessment fee
  • Once the site location has been approved, a parklet design application, based on the Merri-bek Parklet Guidelines (PDF 3.35MB), may be submitted if it contains the following application requirements:

    • Site plan
    • Design plans, including:
      • Elevations
      • Structural details
      • Connection to footpath details
      • Fixed furnishing details
      • Removable items details
      • Accessibility details
      • Material/colour palette
    • Liquor licence and red line plan (if applicable)
    • Certificate of Compliance (Regulation 126) – Design from a qualified registered engineer. This is only required if deviating from Council’s standard parklet engineering template (PDF 164Kb)

    Once the parklet design has been approved, the following is required before a permit can be issued:

    • Traffic Management Plan
    • Pay permit fees

    Please see below for examples of Traffic Management Plans:


Lygon Street parklet closures

We will be removing the temporary timber parklet structures at the south end of Lygon Street (on the east side, between Weston and Barkly Streets) in August.

We installed these structures, with State Government funding during the COVID pandemic when hospitality-density limits were in place, to support safe outdoor space for dining and trading.  

The temporary structures are now at the end of their useful life, and the materials will be salvaged and recycled wherever possible. 

While the road space will revert to carparking spaces for now, some spaces will likely transition again in the future if businesses choose to install their own parklets to enhance the amenity and vibrancy of Lygon Street.   

Council has implemented a parklet permit system, which supports businesses to apply for their own privately constructed and maintained parklet, utilising a carpark space to extend seating and outdoor dining.

  • The row of parklets on the east side of Lygon Street was always intended to be a temporary installation. The structures are at the end of their useful life, and the materials will be recycled wherever possible. 

    Council has engaged closely with the local businesses and will assist them with applications to install their own parklets if they choose to do so. This will allow individual businesses to determine which approach is best for them. 

  • At its meeting on 13 September 2023, Council decided to remove the temporary parklets along Lygon Street and introduce a new long-term parklet program. 

  • The space that the parklets occupied will be returned to on-street parking. 

  • Yes, businesses can apply for a permit through Council’s parklet program. Program guidelines and application forms can be found above.

  • Council is researching options for recycling the timber. 

  • Any items that businesses have placed in the temporary parklets remain the property of the business. Businesses will be notified of the exact date of removal giving them time to remove their property from the parklets.