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Designing Buildings and Spaces in Merri-bek

About Amendment C142

Amendment C142 was approved by the Minister of Planning on 14 December 2017 and introduced the Moreland Apartment Design Code (previously known as the Moreland Higher Density Design Code) into the Moreland Planning Scheme. 

The Moreland Apartment Design Code aims to improve the quality of development of five or more storeys in Merri-bek, particularly for apartment-style developments. It provides a comprehensive set of objectives, standards and decision guidelines for assessing these types of development applications.


Changes in response to Victorian Government Better Apartment reforms

The Minister for Planning launched the Better Apartments: A Discussion Paper in May 2015. Submissions closed on 31 July 2015. Council noted the Officer Submission to the Better Apartments Discussion Paper (PDF 142Kb) at its meeting on 12 August 2015. It is anticipated that the Moreland Apartment Design Code would be superseded if any state-wide guidelines were introduced.

Council resolved on 8 February 2017 to seek a variation to Amendment C142 to insert the Moreland Apartment Design Code requirements on lightwells and building separation standards into  the Moreland Planning Scheme. The purpose of seeking these variations is to supplement standards that were deleted from the final version of the Better Apartments Design Standards announced by the Minister for Planning in December 2016.  


Further information about designing buildings and spaces in Merri-bek

For further information relating to the amendment process and exhibition, contact Council's Strategic Planning Unit on 9240 1111 or email email Strategic Planning.

Key dates

December 2017
Amendment C142 gazetted and incorporated into the Merri-bek Planning Scheme.

November 2017
Minister for Planning approves Amendment C142.

February 2017
Variation adopted by Council post release of the State's Better Apartment Design Guidelines.

August 2015
Amendment with changes adopted by Council.

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