Strategic planning projects
Strategic planning projects
Housing and employment research
We undertake research about housing and employment demand and supply. This evidence is used to inform our Strategic Planning and other actions.
Affordable housing
We have a strategy to address affordable housing issues, based on consultation and research.
Structure Plans
Structure plans are long-term plans that guide Council decisions about changes to land use and buildings on both private and public property in an activity centre.
Coburg Place Framework (Structure Plan)
An urban renewal project in the heart of Coburg.
Brunswick Terminal Station
The Brunswick Terminal Station is being upgraded by the site's owner to meet growing energy demands.
Coburg Hill (former Kodak site)
The former Kodak site at 173-99 Elizabeth Street, Coburg North is being redeveloped for residential purposes.
Potentially Contaminated Land
The management of contaminated land is mainly carried out through the environmental audit system, which has operated in Victoria since 1989.
There are no airports located within the City of Merri-bek, however, some areas of Merri-bek are impacted by surrounding airports.
East Brunswick Village
Development plan, permits and applications for the East Brunswick Village, located between Nicholson and John Streets.
Achieving Zero Carbon in the Planning Scheme
Achieving Zero Carbon in the Planning Scheme; Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) Policy v2.0, seeks to elevate current planning scheme requirements to transition Merri-bek into a zero carbon community.
Advertising and club signage in open space reserves
This amendment introduces a new process for sports clubs to obtain permission for advertising signs in open space reserves.
Reformed Residential Zones
All existing Residential 1 Zone (R1Z) land in Merri-bek is being rezoned to one of three new zones.
Designing Buildings and Spaces in Merri-bek
Amendment C142 seeks to improve the quality of taller buildings being developed in Merri-bek.
Development Contributions Plan
This plan ensures the cost of providing local infrastructure includes a fair and reasonable contribution from land developers.
Gaming, Licensed Venues and Student Accommodation
Amendment C157 introduces three new local planning policies to the Merri-bek Planning Scheme.
Industrial Land
Moreland Industrial Land Strategy to guide the future use and development of industrial land within Merri-bek.