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Review of Road Management Plan

21 Jun 2021


In accordance with section 54(5) of the Road Management Act 2004 (Act), and section 8(3) of the Road Management (General) Regulations 2016 (Regulations), the Merri-bek City Council (Council) gives notice that it has completed a review of its Road Management Plan (Plan) and proposes to amend the plan in a manner contemplated by section 41 of the Act.

The purpose of the review is consistent with section 9(1) of the Regulations to ‘ensure that the standards in relation to, and the priorities to be given to, the inspection, maintenance and repair of the roads and classes of road to which the plan applies are appropriate.’ The review applies to all the roads and classes of roads to which the Plan applies.

A copy of the report summarising the findings and conclusions of the review and proposed amendments may be inspected or obtained from Council’s Municipal Offices at the Civic Centre, 90 Bell Street, Coburg 3058, or by clicking on the link below.

View a copy of the Road Management Plan Review Report

Make a submission

Any person may make a submission to Council on the proposed amendments during the public submission period from 21 June 2021 until 23 July 2021, by either

  • mail to Merri-bek City Council
  • email 

More information

Any enquiries about the proposed amendments can be directed to Geoff Bolling, Coordinator Asset Management, by calling 9355 4265 or by emailing

What is the Road Management Plan

The Road Management Plan (Plan) specifies the over-riding standards which apply to Council’s road maintenance activities.

The Plan applies to all public roads, roadways, pathways, road infrastructure and road-related infrastructure within the municipal district of the Council for which Council is the co-ordinating or responsible road authority under the Act and which are otherwise listed on Council’s register of public roads under section 19 of the Act, noting that the Head, Transport for Victoria is the responsible road authority for freeways and arterial roads under s.37 of the Road Management Act 2004.

The Plan sets standards and priorities in relation to the following road maintenance activities

  • Pro-active Inspections
  • Recognition of defects
  • Response time to repair defects

to provide for the safe, efficient, appropriate use of the road infrastructure in accordance with the needs of Council’s community, and the wider public.