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A structure plan is a long-term plan for a specific Activity Centre to guide Council decisions about future development on both private and public property.

The structure plan is designed to implement the key policies and objectives for Activity Centres in State and Local Planning Policy. It also guides the assessment of planning permit applications and amendments to the Merri-bek Planning Scheme.

Activity Centres provide the focus for services, employment and social interaction in cities and towns. They are where people shop, work, meet, relax and often live.

A key focus for Activity Centres is to provide access to a wide range of goods and services to take advantage to public transport infrastructure, to provide new housing at increased densities, jobs and services.

Merri-bek City Council prepares structure plans for Activity Centres in the Merri-bek area. In the City of Merri-bek, Coburg, Brunswick and Glenroy are the three key Activity Centres with a series of smaller neighbourhood centres located across the municipality.

Further information about Merri-bek structure plans