Coburg 2020 Structure Plan
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The Central Coburg 2020 Structure Plan is a long-term plan to guide decisions in the Coburg Activity Centre following consideration of the social, cultural, environmental and economic consequences.
Central Coburg 2020 Structure Plan documents
The Central Coburg 2020 Structure Plan has 2 volumes.
- Central Coburg 2020 Structure Plan - Introduction and preface - Volumee 1 (PDF 504Kb)
- Central Coburg 2020 Structure Plan - Vision - Volume 1 part 1 (PDF 474Kb): The vision developed for the Coburg activity centre under the Central Coburg 2020 project.
- Central Coburg 2020 Structure Plan - Policy context and background work - Volume 1 part 2 (PDF 94Kb): A summary of the strategic context and background work undertaken to develop the plan.
- Central Coburg 2020 Structure Plan - A sustainable Coburg - Volume 1 part 3 (PDF 102Kb): Council's commitment to sustainability through the consideration of social, cultural, economic and environmental factors.
- Central Coburg 2020 Structure Plan - Background and issues - Volume 1 part 4 (PDF 1Mb): A summary of background information and issues arising from the information that the structure plan needs to address.
- Central Coburg 2020 Structure Plan - Preface - Volume 2 (PDF 1Mb)
- Central Coburg 2020 Structure Plan - Policies - Volume 2 part 5 (PDF 2Mb): Policies for redevelopment in the activity centre. It includes objectives (desired future of the activity centre), strategies (how this will be achieved), and key projects already identified.
- Central Coburg 2020 Structure Plan - Volume 2 - Environmentally sustainable development - Volume 2 part 6 (PDF 162Kb): Environmental guidelines for all new development in the activity centre to achieve best practice urban and environmental design.
- Central Coburg 2020 Structure Plan - Precinct guidelines - Volume 2 part 7 (PDF 2Mb): Guidelines for 10 precincts identified within the activity centre. It includes guidelines for built form and land use for new development and precinct-specific guidelines to highlight the particular qualities and opportunities of each.
- Central Coburg 2020 Structure Plan - Requirements for the assessment of planning applications - Volume 2 part 8 (PDF 292Kb)
- Central Coburg Structure Plan 2020 - Volum 2 part 9 (PDF 294Kb): Sets out the range of mechanisms available to deliver the structure plan, identifies potential stakeholders and critical projects, and outlines governance arrangements.
Implementation of the Coburg 2020 Structure Plan
Council have adopted a place management approach to managing change and have appointed a place manager for each Council structure plan.
Place management is the mechanism for managing the wide range of issues, challenges and opportunities that face an activity area every day. It is a management approach that enables issues to be pursued in an integrated, coordinated way to achieve the economic, social and environmental potential of an activity area.
This approach recognises the complexity of managing change in Coburg and the need to focus on both the big picture and improving and influencing day-to-day service delivery.
Further information about the Coburg structure plan
- What is a structure plan? has more information about structure plans.
- Coburg Activity Centre
For more information on the Coburg 2020 Structure Plan and the place management approach to managing change in Coburg, contact Council.
About Amendment C123 and the Coburg Activity Centre Zone
Amendment C123 implements the land use and built form directions from the Central Coburg 2020 Structure Plan (2006) and Colours of Coburg Place Framework and Strategies (2010), the community framework of The Coburg Initiative, and Pentridge precinct masterplans. The amendment consolidates the planning controls that apply to the Coburg Principal Activity Centre.
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Significant features of the amendment include:
- Changes to the Local Planning Policy Framework to update references to the Coburg Activity Centre
- Introduction of a new Activity Centre Zone (ACZ) and schedule that will prescribe appropriate uses and built form controls
- Preferred maximum building, street wall height controls and setback requirements
- A mixture of uses, with an emphasis on retailing, offices, and higher-density living
- Provision of new roads, pedestrian links and key public spaces, and
- Overshadowing standards (minimum sunlight provision) to key public spaces.
The land affected by the amendment applies to most land within the Coburg Activity Centre, the boundary of which is defined in the Central Coburg 2020 Structure Plan (2006) and The Coburg Initiative, including the former Pentridge Prison precinct.
In addition the amendment introduced a new Parking Overlay to all land in a Mixed Use Zone, Residential Growth Zone, Commercial Zones and Activity Centre Zone. Column B parking rates now apply to all developments in activity centres (including neighbourhood centres).
The amendment also transfers Responsible Authority status for all land within the former Pentridge Prison back to Council.
The amendment also rectifies various anomalies in the Merri-bek Planning Scheme relating to:
- Clause 22.01 Neighbourhood Character - update to reflect changes made as a result of Amendment C153 - New Residential Zones.
- Clause 22.06 Heritage - an incorrect reference to the Municipal Strategic Statement has been removed.
Watch the Our Neighbourhood video to learn more about proposed changes to Merri-bek Planning Scheme.
Status update (15 October 2015)
On 25 September 2015 the Minister for Planning approved Amendment C123 (PDF 453Kb). Notice of the approved amendment was advertised in the Government Gazette on the 15 October 2015 which is when the changes were formally introduced into the Merri-bek Planning Scheme.
Further information
- C123 Officer Report to Council - 12 November 2014 (PDF 22Mb)
- C123 - Adopted Council Meeting Minutes (PDF 134Kb)
Independent Panel Report
Expert Witness Reports for Planning Panels Victoria Hearing (July 2014)
- The Evolution of Coburg-Background Report (PDF 22Mb)
- Coburg Principle Activity Centre-Council Urban Design Strategy (PDF 14Mb)
- Coburg Activity Centre Zone-Expert Witness-Economic Analysis (PDF 2Mb)
- Statement of Expert Evidence: Urban Design (PDF 848Kb)
- Planning Peer Review and Evidence (PDF 3Mb) and A3 Key Event of Height Changes (PDF 111Kb)
- ESD Expert Witness Statement (PDF 15Mb)
- Transport Evidence Statement (PDF 2Mb)
Supporting documents
- Coburg Principal Activity Centre Built Form Rationale and Building Envelopes - Updated March 2014 (PDF 9Mb)
- Central Coburg 20/20 Structure Plan - Integrated Transport Strategy 2006 (PDF 5Mb)
- Central Coburg Activity Centre - Retail and Commercial Analysis (DOC 5Mb)
- TCI Aurecon Infrastructure Report - Revision 4 (November 2010) (PDF 12Mb)
- Waterfield Street Drainage Study - SKM - Sinclair Knight Merz (PDF 5Mb)
- The Coburg Initiative - Sense of Place Brochure (PDF 391Kb)
The Coburg Initiative: Baseline Research
- The Coburg Initiative: Baseline Research - Final draft (PDF 23Mb)
- The Coburg Initiative: Baseline Research - Final draft (PDF 6Mb)
- The Coburg Initiative: Baseline Research - Final draft (PDF 6Mb)
Pentridge Masterplans
- Pentridge Coburg Design Guidelines and Masterplan - February 2014 (PDF 21Mb)
- Pentridge Village Design Guidelines and Masterplan - August 2009 (PDF 4Mb)
- Conservation Management Plan (PDF 18Mb)
Key dates
December 2014
Amendment with changes adopted
October 2015
Approved by Minister
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