Amendment C208more - Implementation of the Moreland Heritage Nominations Study
Project progress
- AuthorisationAuthorisation
- ExhibitionExhibition
- Consider public submissionsConsider public submissions
- Panel HearingPanel Hearing
- Panel ReportPanel Report
- Council decisionCouncil decision
- Submit to MinisterSubmit to Minister
- Final decisionFinal decision
Heritage places improve our communities by providing a connection to our past. Merri-bek has a rich heritage made up of buildings, archaeological sites, monuments, trees, parks, and other elements.
Merri-bek City Council has a duty to find and protect these heritage places for the benefit of all. We do this by including them in the Moreland Planning Scheme within a Heritage Overlay.
About the Moreland Heritage Nominations Study
The Moreland Heritage Nominations Study 2022 investigated the heritage value of places identified by the public in 2016. The study recommended putting a Heritage Overlay over properties found to have heritage value to Merri-bek.
Moreland Heritage Nominations Study documents:
- Moreland Heritage Nominations Study - Vol 1 - Findings and Recommendations- 2022 (PDF 4Mb)
- Moreland Heritage Nominations Study - Vol 2 - Citation Appendices - 2022 (PDF 127 Mb)
What does Amendment C208more do?
Amendment C208more aim is to carry out the findings of two recent heritage studies, the Moreland Heritage Nominations Study (2022) and Moreland Heritage Gap Study (2019) to:
- Apply a Heritage Overlay to 38 individual places, 1 serial listing, 6 heritage precincts, and 3 precinct extensions
- Update the heritage description and value of 4 heritage places and 2 heritage precincts
- Delete some existing heritage overlays from properties within the new serial listing
- Fix some mapping irregularities and heritage overlay boundaries
- Include the Moreland Heritage Nominations Study 2022 as a reference document in the Scheme
- Include a Statement of Significance for all-new heritage overlays as an Incorporated Document in the Scheme
- Amend the Heritage Exemptions Incorporated Plan to add new precinct maps and change existing maps to align with the proposed new Heritage Overlays and deleted Heritage Places
Amendment C208more has been approved by the Minister of Planning and the changes are now in the Merri-bek Planning Scheme (Gazetted 4 May 2023).
9 July 2021: Authorisation from the Minister to exhibit C208 (Completed)
20 August to 1 October 2021: Public exhibition of Amendment C208 (Current)
10 November 2021: Report to Council to consider submissions and refer to Panel (decision deferred to 8 December Council meeting)
8 December 2021: Report to Council to consider submissions and refer to Panel (Completed)
28 January 2022: Directions Hearing
15 July 2022: Receive Panel report
14 October 2022: Council decision
18 October 2022: Submit amendment to the Minister for approval
30 March 2023: Final decision by the Minister for Planning
4 May 2023: Gazettal of the amendment
Amendment C208more was on public exhibition from 13 August 2021 to 1 October 2021.
Exhibition documents
Proposed Clause 15.03-1L (PDF)
Proposed Schedule to Clause 43.01 Heritage Overlay (PDF)
Proposed Schedule to Clause 72.04 Documents Incorporated in this Planning Scheme (PDF)
Proposed Planning Scheme HO Maps (PDF)
Merri-bek Heritage Nominations Study Vol 1 - Recommendations Report, 2020 (PDF)
Merri-bek Heritage Nominations Study Vol 2 - Citations, 2020 (PDF)
Merri-bek Heritage Permit Exemptions Incorporated Plan 2020 (PDF)
Statement of Significance for all new and modified Heritage Overlays (Zip File)
Notice of Preparation of Planning Scheme Amendment C208more (PDF)
Other documents
Merri-bek Heritage Gap Study Vol 1 - Methodology Report (PDF)
Merri-bek Heritage Gap Study Vol 2A - Residential Citations - Brunswick (PDF)
Merri-bek Heritage Gap Study Vol 2 - Non-Residential Citations (PDF)
C208more Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
DELWP Browse Amendments Information Tool
This amendment can also be inspected on the Victorian Government's Planning website.
At the 8 December 2021 Council meeting, Council considered all submissions to C208more and resolved to refer the Amendment and all the submissions to the independent advisory Panel (Planning Panels Victoria).
All submission documents to the Amendment are available below.
We received the Panel Report on 15 July 2022. The Panel Report may be viewed below:
Council Officers reported the findings of Panel at the 14 October 2022 Council meeting. Council supported the recommendation of Council Officers and determined to submit the Amendment to the Minister for approval.
Panel and Directions Hearings
An independent advisory hearing was held to assess the merits of C208more conducted by Planning Panels Victoria.
Directions Hearing
A Directions Hearing was held on Thursday 28 January 2022 where the Panel:
- gave directions about exchanging information before the Hearing and the conduct of the Hearing
- considered Hearing dates and times
- answered questions people have about the Panel process including the Hearing.
A second Directions Hearing was held on 16 February 2022, where the Panel scheduled extra hearing days.
Panel Hearing
The Panel Hearing was held over five days, 1-3 March, 3 May and 6 May 2022.
Below are the documents that formed Council's submissions to the Panel Hearing
- Council's Part A Submission (PDF)
- Council's Part A Submission Appendices (ZIP file)
- Expert Witness Statement of Dr James (PDF)
- Expert Witness Statement of Dr James - Appendices (ZIP File)
- Expert Witness Statement of Dr Roberts (PDF)
- Council's Part B (1) Submission (DOCX)
- Council's Part C (1) Submission (DOCX)
- Council's Part B (2) Submission (PDF)
- Council's Part B (2) Submission Attachment (PDF)
- Council's Part C (2) Submission (PDF)
- Council's Part C (2) Submission Attachments (ZIP file)
- Extended Precincts Citations and Statements of Signficances - Post Panel Updates (ZIP file)
- Moreland Heritage Permit Exemptions Incorporated Plan - Post Panel updates to HO85 and HO207 maps (PDF)
- Council's Final Submission responding to Panel's Directions from 6 May 2022 (PDF)
Gateway 1 - Authorisation and Exhibition of Amendment C208more - 12 August 2020
- Council Report DCF35/20 Amendment C208more (PDF)
- Council Report DCF35/20 Attachments can be accessedon our Council Meeting Minutes and past agendas page
- Council Action Memo DCF35/20(PDF)
Gateway 2 - Consideration of Submissions to Amendment C208more and refer to Panel - 8 December 2021
- Council Report 7.6 Amendment C208more (PDF)
- Council Report 7.6 Attachements (PDF)
- Council Action Memo 7.6 (PDF)
Gateway 3 - Consideration of Panel findings and Decision on the Amendment C208more - 12 October 2022
- Council Report 7.1 - C208more Gateway 3 - Consideration of Panel and Decision on the Amendment (PDF)
- Council Report 7.1 - C208more Gateway 3 - Attachment 1
- Council Action Memo 7.1 C208more Gateway 3
You can call 9240 1111 or email to find out further information or to discuss how the changes might affect you.
We appreciate these documents are not always easy to understand, so please contact us if you need any assistance. All meetings will be undertaken via teleconference.
The documents on the right hand side of this page are in PDF-only format. If you have trouble opening or viewing a PDF document, you can contact us and we will arrange to provide the information in a format that suits your needs. The details for how to get in touch with us are on our Contact us page. Yoiu can find more accessibility information on our Accessibility statement page.
Find out more
If you would like to find out more about Amendment C208more, please contact Strategic Planning by emailing or on 9240 1111.
Please be aware that Merri-bek City Council collects information from organisations and individuals during the planning scheme amendment process through submissions made to an Amendment. Submissions may be handwritten, electronic (both written and audio-visual), and often contain images, maps, and plans. Submissions frequently contain personal information which at times may be sensitive for commercial, health, or other reasons.
Natural justice and transparency are important parts of the Planning Scheme Amendment process. Under section 21(2) of the 'Planning and Environment Act 1987 (VIC)', Council must make all submissions to an Amendment available to view by any person at its offices for a period of two months after the Amendment is gazetted or lapses. This includes all personal names, telephone, and address details unless specifically requested to be deleted prior to the submission being made publicly available.
Submissions are used by Council when assessing the Amendment and summaries of your submission are included in any Council report that considers the Amendment following the close of the exhibition. Your submission will also be used and disclosed in the public process of a Panel Hearing if one is required. Any submission forwarded to Planning Panels Victoria will be managed in accordance with their privacy policy.
Publication of Submissions on our website
Council will make all submissions available to view online on its website during the Planning Scheme Amendment process. All submissions made available online will be redacted to remove personal names, telephone, and address details. Submissions will be removed from the website once the Amendment is finalised.
Use of your personal information
In accordance with the 'Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (VIC)' and 'Health Records Act 2001 (VIC)' the personal information submitted by you is being collected by Merri-bek City Council for the submission process and it will not be disclosed to any other external party without your consent, except as a requirement of the 'Planning and Environment Act 1987 (VIC)'. This includes disclosing your personal information upon request (name and phone number only) to any person who made a submission during the Planning Scheme Amendment process.
If you do not provide your name and address Council will not be able to consider your submission.
You can gain access to the personal information you have provided to Merri-bek City Council and if you wish to alter it, please contact Council’s Privacy Officer by emailing email or on 9384 9111.
You can find more information regarding privacy on our Privacy page.