
Moreland City Council is committed to ensuring that the information on this website is available to the widest possible audience.

Every effort has been made to comply with Level AA of the W3C (World-Wide Web Consortium) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.

We are continually reviewing, testing and improving the accessibility of our site and welcome your questions and suggestions.

If any part of this website does not meet your accessibility needs, contact Council and we will attempt to rectify the problem, and provide you with the information you require in a format that suits your needs.

Accessibility of this website

Accessibility features of this site include:

  • a text equivalent for all non-text objects, such as images and video
  • different text sizes
  • easy-to-read colours
  • documents in Word format where possible
  • clear navigation, including meaningful headings and link
  • all images and graphics include descriptive alt text
  • all new videos have captions and older videos have a transcript
  • all pages can be printed using your browser’s print function, and
  • tab key navigation as an alternative to a mouse: press the TAB key to move forward to the next feature, or press SHIFT and the TAB key to move back to the previous feature,

Note: Unless you change the default settings in the Safari browser, you will need to press Option and the TAB key to move through each link on the page.

Accessing and reading documents

Opening PDF files

This website uses some PDF (Portable Document Format) files, also known as Adobe files, to make documents available online.

The majority of PDF files on our website have an accessible alternative as a web page or a Word document. Some very old documents or documents with maps and designs may not be fully accessible.

To open, print or save a PDF file, you will need to use Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not already have this tool, you can download it for free from Adobe.

Download Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Contact us if you trouble opening or viewing a PDF document and we will arrange to provide the information in a format that suits your needs.

Opening Microsoft Word and Excel files

This site uses Microsoft Word and Excel files. If you do not have these programs on your computer, you can download a reader that will allow you to view these documents.

Download Microsoft Word Viewer.

Printed copies of documents

If you would like us to send you a printed copy of any document on this site, you can contact us to request it.

Languages other than English

Sections of this website are translated into Merri-bek's nine community languages – Arabic, Cantonese, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Mandarin, Punjabi, Turkish and Vietnamese.

You can also use our multilingual telephone information service, Language Link.